Excellent blog Michelle! It was very informative, and I most definitley agreew with you when you say that Biosolids are a benefitial choice for the future. I truly think that despite the few disadvantages, it will really help sustain our planet in the long run. Recycling any form of waste is a great way to prevent occurances such as global warming. You did a good job of explaining the pros and cons of biosolids before taking a side, and organized these different points of views in a chart like I did. Overall I really enjoyed reading your blog, especially because we shared a lot of the same views. Great work Michelle!
Excellent blog Michelle! It was very informative, and I most definitley agreew with you when you say that Biosolids are a benefitial choice for the future. I truly think that despite the few disadvantages, it will really help sustain our planet in the long run. Recycling any form of waste is a great way to prevent occurances such as global warming. You did a good job of explaining the pros and cons of biosolids before taking a side, and organized these different points of views in a chart like I did. Overall I really enjoyed reading your blog, especially because we shared a lot of the same views. Great work Michelle!